Some professions are automatically associated with a high rate of on-the-job injuries. The types of jobs that require physical labor are often associated with work injuries, such as a job working on a factory line or a job or being a landscaper. However, some of the jobs associated with the highest rates of injuries aren’t all that physical. Here’s a list of jobs that have the highest rates of injuries.
Working in construction is definitely a dangerous profession. It’s ranked as one of the most dangerous jobs, being so physical in nature – handling such heavy materials, operating heavy machinery and power tools, digging trenches, etc. There are numerous hazards that construction laborers face every single day on the job.
Correction officers must always be on high alert given the nature of their job. Many times, they are handling hardened criminals who have high propensities for violence. Officers must guard inmates in rehab, jails or prisons. Some have to oversee inmates’ transportation back and forth from holding to court hearings and maintain the peace in the courtroom should inmates ever become hostile.
Correction officers must always be on high alert given the nature of their job. Many times, they are handling hardened criminals who have high propensities for violence. Officers must guard inmates in rehab, jails or prisons. Some have to oversee inmates’ transportation back and forth from holding to court hearings and maintain the peace in the courtroom should inmates ever become hostile.
Carpenters work with an array of power tools that are dangerous in general. Even when a carpenter is comfortable using these power tools, they can still be dangerous to handle – especially when working in cramped spaces. It makes sense that carpenters are injured on the job at a high rate.
Firefighters risk their lives for the jobs, running into extremely high-risk environments, facing large and out-of-control fires to save lives. They face a significant potential for smoke inhalation, serious burns, being struck by falling debris…and these are only a few of the hazards they must face. They may also be exposed to hazardous chemicals/materials such as asbestos while on the job.
Being a police officer has never been the most secure job in the world. Police officers put their lives at risk every day, placing themselves in threatening situations. They come across all different types of people in their profession, including hardened criminals (much like Correction Officers). They must always be on high alert.
It may seem like the job of a Nursing Assistant isn’t so dangerous. But Nursing Assistants are put in plenty of dangerous situations. For instance, one of their job responsibilities is lifting and moving patients, would could cause an injury. Additionally, some patients can become violent. Nursing Assistants can occur injuries from violent patients.
Truck drivers on are on the road for extended periods of time often, which highly increases their risk of getting into an injurious accident. They’re in charge of operating heavy tractor-trailers. They may have to travel long routes, and they must understand which roads their trucks can and cannot go. Many times, part of their jobs is loading and unload trucks of heavy materials. This could result in back injuries. The constant sitting can also cause lower back pain or strain.
Whether you drive a taxi, an Uber or a Lyft, you’re on the road for extended periods of time. Therefore, there’s a higher risk of being in an injurious accident. Additionally, Taxi Drivers have no idea how is getting into their vehicle. Taxi Drivers, according to OSHA, are 20 times more likely to be murdered on the job than other workers in the United States.