For most married people, the person that they drive with most often is their spouse. Therefore, the odds of being injured by your spouse in a motor vehicle accident are significant. Even the best drivers have momentary lapses while driving. Should you suffer a serious injury in such a scenario, your options for recovering necessary compensation for your financial damages may be limited. This may be an extreme hardship to your family should you be permanently injured and unable to return to work due to an accident caused by your spouse.
There are ways to protect yourself and your spouse in such situations. Insurance companies offer Spousal Liability coverage. This will allow a passenger in a vehicle that is injured due to their spouse’s negligence, to make a claim against their own insurance policy. The insurance companies offer these coverage’s at extremely reasonable rates. For less then a few hundred dollars a year you can protect yourself and your spouse from the financial devastation of a serious accidental injury.
While the idea of making a claim against your spouse seems distasteful, your alternatives may be much harsher. Further, your insurance company is happy to provide the coverage for just such an occasion. I highly recommend this coverage to all my clients. I have seen far too many people suffer serious accidental injuries in a car accident caused by a spouse, left with no financial compensation.
Should you have any questions with respect to your automobile insurance coverages, please feel free to contact me at my office and I’d be happy to review them for you at no charge.