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Getting bit by a dog is more than scary, it’s dangerous. Serious injuries can easily result from a dog attack. Statistically, children are more at risk than any other age group for dog bits. And nearly 1 in 5 people bitten by a dog require medical attention. If an attack is severe, you should contact a lawyer as soon as you can. But before this happens, learn what to do now so you can avoid a possible injury.
Avoid these situations where a dog is more likely to be aggressive:
Teaching you children these signs is a good idea, and hopefully this knowledge could protect them and avoid serious injury if they are ever threatened by a dog.
New York dog bite law holds owners liable when an attorney can prove the dog was dangerous and the owner knew it or when the dog bit people previously. The dog must be unprovoked and engage in an unjustified attack, such as viciously attacks or killing someone or a companion animal. I have personally represented many dog bite victims receive their due compensation for their injury.
In many states, laws surrounding animal bites can make pursuing compensation for damages complicated. In New York State, we follow what’s known as the “One Bite” Law. The “One Bite” Law states that an owner is only liable for their animal’s injurious actions if the dog or animal, to the owner’s knowledge, has bitten before. Some view this as a free pass while others believe it is a fair law.
In essentially all scenarios, there must be proof that the owner knew their animal’s prior behavior could lead to an attack. Here are some reasons a court may hold the owner liable:
These circumstances can be difficult to prove alone. But an experienced Dog Bite Attorney or Animal Attack Attorney will be able to prove liability and get their client the maximum compensation they deserve.
There are instances when owners aren’t held liable, including but not limited to these circumstances:
An experienced Dog Bite Attorney or Animal Attack Attorney is essential in fighting these defenses.
Animals are known to be unpredictable. And every dog owner knows how difficult it can be to keep their dog from being territorial or vicious when they are scared. Here is a great tutorial on how to train your dog to be less violent.
While many states follow the “One Bite” Law, other states follow a “Strict Liability” Law that disregards this one “free pass”, as some would call it. Not all dog bites are reported, nor vicious behavior. Even if a Dog Bite Attorney can prove that a dog has displayed violent behavior in the past, liability may still be up in the air. It could have not been reported, the prior owner could have neglected to tell the current owner about the dog’s violent behavior, or the current owner could actually know but act oblivious. And with any of those scenarios, they aren’t liable.
Is this fair? A dog bite victim could lose everything they’ve worked for in life. They could be injured to the point where they are facing medical bills and lost wages that span on into the future. Is this “free pass” ethical? The “One Bite” Law was created several years ago. Is it time we reconsider its efficacy to uphold the rights of ordinary citizens?
Being bitten by a dog is not just frightening. Often, a fierce attack can result in serious injuries. Statistics show that children are more at risk for dog bites than any other age group, and in the worst cases, wrongful death can occur. When an attack is severe, contact a lawyer as soon as you can.
No doubt you have many questions and getting legal answers can reassure you about what to expect. First, we will provide you with some facts from the Humane Society to help you put dog bites into perspective.
When Are Dogs Most Likely to Bite?
Here are some situations to avoid where dogs are more prone to bite:
It is wise to teach your children how to act around dogs. Frequently, knowledge of what to do can help protect them against dog bites and avoid severe injury.
New York dog bite law holds owners liable when an attorney can prove the dog was dangerous and the owner knew it or when the dog bit people previously. The dog must be unprovoked and engage in an unjustified attack, such as viciously attacks or killing someone or a companion animal.
If you or your child suffers from a dog bite injury, contact an attorney right away for legal help.