How Transportation Costs For Medical Appointments Are Covered After You’ve Been Injured In A Car Accident
After incurring a serious injury from a car accident, you may not be able to drive until you’ve recovered. Recovering from injuries such as fractured or broken bones, head injuries, whiplash injuries etc., may require numerous doctors’ appointments, medical treatments and physical therapy. Depending on the severity of your injury and the amount of appointments you must make, taxi services may be financially exhaustive. You may be able to drive, but should you have to pay for mileage when your incident wasn’t entirely your fault? These transportation costs should not be yours to pay out of pocket. It’s important that you make copies of receipts for any and all out-of-pocket transportation costs relative to your injury. If requested, No-Fault will cover these transportation costs to a certain degree. Your personal injury attorney, however, will then fight to supplement all transportation costs relative to your injury that No-Fault does not cover through litigation with the defendant.
No-Fault’s Coverage Of Transportation Costs
Under New York State’s No-Fault law (click here to learn about New York State’s No-Fault law), you are entitled to reimbursement from No-Fault carriers involved in your claim for transportation expenses relative to your injury. Unfortunately, insurance carriers aren’t likely to cover the full portion of these costs. But until your case is resolved and transportation costs relative to your injury are calculated into your damages, No-Fault coverage can help.
How Palermo Law, P.L.L.C. Can Assist
At Palermo Law, P.L.L.C., our No-Fault department works hard to ensure each client is well compensated for these transportation costs from any No-Fault carriers involved in your claim. If retained to handle your case, our No-Fault department will 1) file your No-Fault application and 2) make sure you obtain the maximum coverage you’re entitled to through No-Fault. Our No-Fault department handles each case meticulously to ensure you receive all the benefits you are entitled to.